Getting Started

Getting Started

If you are a physician or other healthcare provider and are interested in getting training, support and possible funding to implement developmental screening and referral at your office, please contact us.

Help Me Grow Ventura County may be available to do the following:

  • Provide funding for well-validated screening tools such as the ASQ-III and PEDS
  • Provide training to you and your staff on how to administer, score and interpret screening tools and discuss screening results with your patients
  • Provide assessment and guidance on the most effective implementation of screening protocols into your office workflow
  • Provide information and support on community referral resources for further evaluation and assessment. Assistance in developing a referral system in your office/practice
  • Provide training and information on billing
  • Provide resources for short-term family support and case management for families entering the referral system
  • Provide ongoing training and educational opportunities around screening and referral
  • Provide access to a network of providers in the community supporting screening and developmental monitoring

To get started, contact us and we will schedule an initial orientation meeting with you and any appropriate staff.